How Do I Determine What a Nanny Will Cost?

Do You Service Outside of Green Hills?

About How Many Nannies Can I Expect to See Before Hiring?

Do All Nannies Have Previous Childcare Experience?

How Do You Locate Your Nannies?

Most of our nannies come to us by way of referrals, either by other nannies we have placed, or by clients whose positions are ending.

One of the most frequently asked questions posed to our agency is "How do I determine how much a nanny will cost?"

Most nannies in Nashville are asking to make between $25-$30 per hour.  As an employer, you will also need to budget for your employment taxes.

The best source I have found to determine the exact breakdown of wages and taxes is at:

Absolutely.  We feel confident that we can provide nannies to Nashville and its surrounding areas.  Locations we have placed are Hendersonville, Goodlettesville, East Nashville, Green Hills, Bellevue, Brentwood, and Franklin.

Most families see between 1 and 5 applicants before making a hire.  As nannies and clients exchange information prior to their interview, we are able to ensure that when an interview is arranged, both parties are interested in each other.

Absolutely.  We must have at least 3 significant childcare references from a nanny before considering her for placement.