Overview: Loving and Collaborative Nanny / House Manager needed for family of 4 in Nashville.

Mom was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, and met her husband there in 2013 while he was doing his Cardiology training at the Cleveland Clinic, and she was working at a Financial Software Company. After getting married in 2016, Mom decided to resign from her job and concentrate on starting a family.  

In 2019, the couple moved to Nashville, with the plan being to put down roots and raise their children here. Mom continues to be a Homemaker, but due to her Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, she struggles with exhaustion at times, sleeping late into the morning on most days. Dad's position as a Cardiologist/Electrophysiologist has him out of the home on weekdays, therefore Mom is looking to hire a caregiver that she can partner with, and who can help her navigate the daily responsibilities of her household, and keep everything running smoothly.

When the family has down time together, they enjoy hosting friends at their pool, going to the Farmer's Market and Cheekwood, and bike rides and walks around the neighborhood.

Mom and Dad have 2 very sweet little girls.

Their oldest (G6.5) is an amazing young lady with many wonderful traits. She is exceptionally caring, passionate and kind, and is always dancing, singing, drawing, coloring or wanting to do a craft. (G6.5) is a sensitive child, and has some sensory needs that require extra attention and care at times, especially when she is overtired. She is the best Big Sister and truly one of a kind! (G6.5) is in school from 8:15 - 3pm daily. 

When you see (G6.5), you will almost always see her younger sister not too far behind as they are best friends! Little sister (G5) has been an absolute blessing since the day she was born. She is a warm, strong willed, fun loving and compassionate little girl who loves to play. She is wise beyond her years and always takes good care of big sister during her sensitive times. (G5) is in school 8:30 - 12:30 on Mondays and Fridays, and 08:30 - 3 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. 

In addition to school, both girls have weekly gymnastics, seasonal soccer, and swim lessons in the warmer months. 

In summary, the girls are two peas in a pod, and if they had it their way, they would be together all the time!

Currently there are no pets in the home.

The family has employed the same nanny for the past 3 years, and have had a wonderful working relationship with her. Sadly, she has decided to pivot careers and now the family is looking for a new nanny to join them on their family adventure.

The family's ideal candidate is honest, flexible, hardworking and loving. Someone who will become a part of their family for years to come! It is important to Mom and Dad to find a nanny that is active and engaging with their girls, and who will encourage playtime vs screen time. Their parenting style takes into consideration the Waldorf Method and therefore they seek a caregiver who has a gentle approach to discipline, that encourages and reinforces self regulation. And of course it would be a bonus to find a nanny who herself has a love of learning, and will incorporate that into teaching moments with the girls and reinforcing topics learned at school. A nanny will need to be comfortable in a role working alongside Mom, as Mom will be present for part of most days. Also, understanding Mom's energy levels can vary daily, the family is looking for candidates who are team players, have a can-do spirit, and who are willing to pitch in wherever needed.  

Because driving is an important part of the job description, the family is requesting candidates who are experienced in transporting children and who have a clean driving record. Also, the girls love spending time in the pool, and are great swimmers, so candidates who pay close attention to water safety are a must.

Finally, this family likes to travel, both domestic and internationally, and would love to find a nanny with an adventurous spirit who would like to come along! They also have extended family that like to visit Nashville throughout the year, which can make for a full house at times, so a nanny who can go with the flow on these occasions would be ideal. 

This is a hybrid Nanny / House Manager position, so a caregiver who has experience and is comfortable with both roles is ideal, as each day will look a little different than the next.  

Overview of a nanny's typical day:
Nanny arrives at 7:15 am and wakes the girls up (if not up already)
And starts the morning routine: breakfast, help the girls get dressed/hair and teeth brushed/etc., and prepare their lunches and water bottles.   
8: 00 am: Nanny is out the door to get the kids to drop off by 8:15am. 
After drop off, Nanny will come back to the house and take on House Management role. 
*At some point in the day, Nanny will have a break before school pick up - Nanny is welcome to stay at the Family Home of course, and use their little gym/pool/hot tub for a work out, or take off for a few hours to run personal errands. 
Depending on the day, Nanny or Mom will pick up the kids at school at 3pm, and again, depending on the day, take the girls to gymnastics (Tues and Thurs) or otherwise home. If home, Nanny (potentially along with Mom) will engage the girls at home, review school materials and oversee free-play. 5pm Nanny will start plating dinner for the girls and get them settled in for the evening. 
5:30pm End of Day

House Management responsibilities can include:

- emptying and loading the dishwasher
- tidying kitchen 
- bringing in deliveries and opening the packages
- taking out garbage and recycling
- keeping the girl's bedrooms, bathroom, crafts and play areas tidy and organized
- grocery shopping and receiving grocery deliveries
- stocking pantry/fridge
- light pick up, vacuum, maintaining play areas 
- laundry
- running errands 
- organization projects
- taking car to car wash
- meal prep for the girls with some occasional cooking for the family

Family prefers, but does not 100% require, candidates to have received the Covid Vaccine and Flu Shot.

 $25 - 30 per hour
Overtime paid for all hours worked over 40 
Weekly guarantee of hours
Paid Holidays
Paid Vacation
Paid Sick Days

For weeks when the girls are in school:
The family can offer between 35 and 45 hours per week, depending on a caregiver's preference.
Monday through Friday
Typically between the hours of 7:15 AM and 5:30 pm
***It is important to note that the family would like a nanny who is flexible to stay later in the evening in cases where Dad is working late.  

For Summer and School Holidays:
 The family would like a nanny that could work 7:30 - 5:30 on some of these days, if the girls don't have camps.
Otherwise the schedule will be similar to that of the school year. 

ASAP - The family would like a nanny in place As Soon As Possible, but they are patient and can wait for the right person. 

This position requests a nanny that can commit to at least a year of employment. If you are looking for a long term position, please take this family into consideration, as they anticipate employing a caregiver for many years to come!

Family:  #JEN-DUGG



Start Date:

Location: Nashville / Oak Hill / Near Lipscomb 37204



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